Read more about the article Not All Remote Work Jobs Are the Same
Work Hard Anywhere

Not All Remote Work Jobs Are the Same

Not all remote work jobs are the same but it took me awhile to figure that out. Progress has opened the door for people in all types of careers and at all levels of the work hierarchy. Working away from the office, not just occasionally, but on a regular basis, is no longer just for C-suite executives and salaried management employees.

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Read more about the article What’s in a Freelance Pitch?
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

What’s in a Freelance Pitch?

My answer to the most common question I hear from freelance writers. The one thing to understand before you search for freelance writing jobs is that editors who are reading your freelance pitch are busy. It’s the same for CEOs, website owners, and solopreneurs. Their schedules leave them very little time to peruse their email inbox for article ideas. If you want your freelance pitch to be…

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