Read more about the article Not All Remote Work Jobs Are the Same
Work Hard Anywhere

Not All Remote Work Jobs Are the Same

Not all remote work jobs are the same but it took me awhile to figure that out. Progress has opened the door for people in all types of careers and at all levels of the work hierarchy. Working away from the office, not just occasionally, but on a regular basis, is no longer just for C-suite executives and salaried management employees.

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Read more about the article Here’s How to Build Your Freelance Writing Portfolio from Scratch
Photo by Hope House Press - Leather Diary Studio on Unsplash

Here’s How to Build Your Freelance Writing Portfolio from Scratch

Even if you think you have no writing experience. Are you struggling to build your freelance writing portfolio? If you can remember what it was like to get your first job in high school or maybe in college, every interviewer asked about your previous experience. But when you’re looking for your first job, how can you talk about your experience? The same thing is often true for…

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Read more about the article The One Thing I’m Grateful For Today is Past Hardships
Just Say YES

The One Thing I’m Grateful For Today is Past Hardships

There were many times I didn’t think I’d make it through. I had two children by the age of 21, their father wanted no part of it. I was on my own. I was working full time and returned to college when my oldest two were still in diapers. I took a full load of courses and was grateful to pick up a work study job on campus.…

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Read more about the article What’s in a Freelance Pitch?
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

What’s in a Freelance Pitch?

My answer to the most common question I hear from freelance writers. The one thing to understand before you search for freelance writing jobs is that editors who are reading your freelance pitch are busy. It’s the same for CEOs, website owners, and solopreneurs. Their schedules leave them very little time to peruse their email inbox for article ideas. If you want your freelance pitch to be…

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Just Saying Yes Can Change Your Life

As a single mom, life changed for the better every time. There is power in saying yes. As a single mom of two and then four children, it was my duty to earn enough income to support my family. Long before I started freelancing, I was raising my children alone, no child support. Most days I left the house before 6am and didn’t get home until after 6pm.…

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Read more about the article Does Your Blog Post Satisfy Your Reader?
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Does Your Blog Post Satisfy Your Reader?

And why it matters for marketing and SEO. I first started freelancing in 2003. I spent a lot of time writing blog posts and other content for small business owners via Odesk (now UpWork). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was fairly new back then, the term is believed to have originated in 1997. Does your blog post satisfy your reader was not the priority back then. Search Engine Optimization…

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Should You Create a Personal or Business Brand?

Part of what I do as a business owner is to teach live tech help calls where writers and other small business creatives can learn how to use the software they need to run their businesses better online. One question that always comes up involves whether to create a personal or business brand. The members of my very first tech help group - I call them my "guinea pig"…

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Read more about the article A True Writer Never Stops Learning

A True Writer Never Stops Learning

  • Post category:Authors
  • Reading time:14 mins read

8 Ways to Make Your Writing Better There are a variety of reasons people take up writing. You may write as a creative outlet, to heal past trauma, for income or as a hobby. I've discovered a true writer never stops learning. For me, writing has become my full-time income. I love writing and sharing knowledge which is why I worked so hard to figure out how…

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It’s Time for You!

I'm so glad you're here. There comes a time in every woman's life when we realize there's more to life than what we're doing. For me that time first happened in 2003. As a single mom, it became clear there was more to life than working and taking care of my children. A friend reminded me to "make time for you." I started freelancing, but without guidance…

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